most decorative effect can be achieved by planting a large number of stems in a group.
Rotala Wallichii is a popular stem plant with thin fragile leaves
inflorescence has bright purple flowers. Even though it is not quite easy in cultivation it is a highly popular plant.
It forms side shoots willingly, becoming compact and bushy.
Rotala species it is relatively undemanding, although it needs good light to produce red leaves.
The plant forms many side shoots willingly and obtains a beautiful, bushy and "hanging" growth. Prune it frequently to maintain healthy growth.
Rotala Nanjenshan is a plant native to smaller lakes, ponds and slowly moving water ways of Taiwan.
The species has among the most intense coloration in the aquarium and is stunning when kept in top condition.
mini version of Rotala Macrandra
Red Cabomba is a densely growing plant that makes an excellent, natural background in a planted aquarium.
rare mermaid-weed hybrid known from MA, RI.
undemanding aquarium plant, it is rather rarely available in recent times.